CrowdGlow Visualiser - BETA v4.2.0
Welcome to the first BETA release of the CrowdGlow Visualiser.
The visualiser can run on the same computer as CrowdGlow Broadcast or on any other supported computer on the network, it will automatically join the CrowdNet session. The visualiser has a single arena style venue with 13,000 simulated phones, you can also run a USB demo dongle or any full size transmitters at the same time with real devices.
The BETA has been tested on Apple M1 Pro chips and runs smoothly at 100fps, it has also been tested a few Windows gaming PCs with modern graphics cards. It should run smoothly on most normally spec’d pre-vis computers, however if you experience any lag or slowness please let us know. There will be graphics render settings available in future releases to add more performance to older GPUs where possible.
Follow the steps below to get started:
Step 1: Download CrowdGlow Broadcast & Visualiser v4.2.0
CrowdGlow Broadcast is the Mac app that is used to control all the phones in range of your transmitter. You need to run v4.1.0+ to also use the Visualiser.
CrowdGlow Visualiser needs a modern gaming GPU to run. Mac & Windows support is available.
Windows, unzip and run the “CrowdGlow Visualiser.exe”
Step 2: Network Configuration
If running the visualiser on the same computer as the broadcast app, no additional network setup is required.
If running on a separate computer on the network, both computers will need a static IP address in the range of: 10.224.120.x and a subnet mask of: These are easily configured in your computers network settings, please contact us if you require support.
Example valid IP Addresses that won’t conflict with POE Transmitters:
CrowdGlow Broadcast computer:
CrowdGlow Visualiser computer:
All done!
You’re all set - the visualiser will now react just like a real life crowd.
You can change camera views with the following keyboard hot keys:
Camera Views
1 - Center Stage
2 - FOH
3 - Side View
4 - The cheap seats
5 - Down the front
6 - In the mosh (Forwards)
7 - In the mosh (Backwards)
8 - Side Stage Wide Angle
9 - Gobo Close up
This is only a first release with a minimum viable feature set, there will be future releases over the coming months. We’ll be gradually adding more functionality including more venues shapes / sizes, custom seating layouts, more camera views, Windows installer, graphics render settings and much more!
Need Help?
If you have any question or need support, please drop us a message to and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.